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Uwe Gerlach

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Breath Walk & Light/Sound Sessions: Tools for A/T Training

Breath Walk & Light/Sound Sessions: Tools for A/T Training

Mind Tech and Breath Walk

Mind Tech and Breath Walk

Light/Sound Treatment in Addition to SMR/Beta Neurofeedback Training Accelerates the Normalization of Negative ADD/ADHD Symptoms

Light/Sound Treatment in Addition to SMR/Beta Neurofeedback Training Accelerates the Normalization of Negative ADD/ADHD Symptoms

Combined EEG feedback/light sound Training for children/adults with ADD/ADHD symptoms

Combined EEG feedback/light sound Training for children/adults with ADD/ADHD symptoms

Breath-walk and neuroFB- how to practice and control this new tool for alpha/theta training

Breath-walk and neuroFB- how to practice and control this new tool for alpha/theta training


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