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Stress Control with Biofeedback by Stephen I. Sideroff, Ph D

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Mindgrowth. Stress Control with Biofeedback by Stephen I. Sideroff, Ph D

• Identify the stress producing situations in your life.
• Change response to stress through biofeedback & behavior modification techniques.
• Use this program's step by step method to overcome stress permanently and naturally.
• Put relaxation in the palm of your hand with the GSR2
• Liberate yourself from anxieties that come between you and a happy, productive life.
• Includes a CD and complete manual.
• Developed and field-tested by leading psychologists.
• This program is available with or without the GSR2 unit.

Biofeedback helps you control stress and more! This tested and proven six-week program was developed by Stephen I. Sideroff, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, faculty member of UCLA, and staff member of the Santa Monica Hospital, California.

Through the use of biofeedback you will be able to understand the job, family and social pressures that create excess stress in your life. With this knowledge, you will be able to work on controlling your physical and emotional symptoms through professional behavior modification techniques. This program also includes time management methods, good eating habits, pleasant stress-reducing exercises and many other effective ways to put you in command of your feelings. Make stress work for you instead of against you.

The unique feature of the Stress Control Program is the inclusion of Thought technology's GSR2 Biofeedback monitor which measures changes in your stress level.

The hand-held GSR2 turns itself on automatically at the touch of your fingertips and emits a tone. Tension raises the tone, relaxation lowers it and you quickly learn to call on the program's relaxation skills to reduce your stress levels. In effect, your subconscious behavior patterns are altered to control stress.

Even more important, this newly discovered ability to control stress and relax deeply will release powers and capabilities within you that have been restricted by tension for years. There'll be a chain your outlook, attitudes and lifestyle.

Take control of your breathing to reduce stress and improve your health.


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