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rob kall
president, futurehealth Inc.


Latest Headlines

By Rob Kall
Robert Thatcher Advances in Understanding the Brain, Z-Score Neurofeedback, Why EEG is More Important than ever

in a wide ranging interview, Dr. Bob Thatcher shares some early neurofeedback and qEEG history, some visions of the future and summarizes some of the insights billions in brain research have yielded.

By Joan Brunwasser
Omega Institute's Elizabeth Lesser on "Broken Open" and Personal Transformation

The hardest aspect of memoir is that it involves writing about not only oneself, but also about the people in one's life. My children, my parents, my husband, my ex-husband, my friends: none of them asked to be characters in my book. I am sure I caused discomfort for some of the folks in my life. But I did it for a reason that I still feel clear and good about.

By Vidya Bolz
Trauma, Health and Neurofeedback
summary of Dr. Robert Scaer's excellent video on his work on trauma and how it is stored in neural networks

By Lynda Thompson
Asperger Syndrome or ADHD
The traits of someone with Asperger Syndrome overlap with ADHD in terms of poor attention and impulsive behaviour so these children are often diagnosed as ADHD.

By Rob Kall
Lynda Thompson; ADD, Autistic Spectrum, Asperger Syndrome

discussion of neurofeedback and biofeedback for ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, Autism, autistic spectrum disorders

By Saberi Roy
The Psychology of Emotions
Explaining emotions and distinguishing feeling and bodily reaction.

By Rob Kall
Stephen Sideroff, Ph.D. Neurofeedback and Reslience, Addiction, Sports Psychology, Chronic Pain and more

Neurofeedback, addiction, resilience, Pain, Sports Psychology and more discussed.

By Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD
Acupuncture Improves Thyroid Function!
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine is effective in treating thyroid disorders. Read how!

By Lewis Mehl-Madrona
Community -- Why is it hard?
Belonging to community has huge benefits. It's hard because true community includes annoying and irritating people who don't agree with us. It includes people who sometimes act bizarre or socially inappropriately. It doesn't exclude and it minimizes power imbalances. Having true community takes work, because it's easier to be anonymous and let other people be in charge. But the effort pays off, and it's worth it.

By press release
Army looking at Biofeedback, Yoga, Acupuncture to Treat Pain

The task force visited 28 military, Veterans Affairs and civilian medical centers between October and January to observe treatment capabilities and best practices.

By Hyla Cass
Eating Disorders: The Nutrient Solution
As a psychiatrist, I am clearly familiar with the psychodynamic issues underlying eating disorders, and I see psychotherapy as a vital part of treatment. At the same time, I would like to share my experience with observing and treating some of the biochemical underpinnings, hastening recovery and helping to maintain it as well.

By Lewis Mehl-Madrona
More on the Politics of Indian Identity
Based upon comment on last weeks, "More Indian than Thou" essay, I continue my musings about the politics of Indian identity. I explore the fundamentalist response which argues that pure bloods are more Indian than mixed bloods and that non-status Indians have no business reading about, participating in, or even being interested in aboriginal culture. I argue that this would, in fact, allow the U.S. government to succeed.

Textbook of Neurofeedback, EEG Biofeedback, qEEG and Brain Self Regulation
e-book by Rob Kall and Joe Kamiya with 26 chapters

By Joan Brunwasser
Omega Institute's Elizabeth Lesser on "Broken Open" and Personal Transformation, Part Two

People don't think twice about having someone fix their computer or car, or they don't question going to the doctor when they feel bad, or to the gym when they want a trainer to help them get strong or lose weight. But when it comes to psychological or spiritual help, there's a general squeamishness. There's a cultural bias against paying someone to help us figure out things like relationships, purpose, feelings, grief.

By Dr. Clare Albright
Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Addiction
Is neurofeedback a helpful adjunct to drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment?

By Lewis Mehl-Madrona
One Road, Many Branches
This article builds upon my past two weeks of talking about Indian identity. It is written on the sundance grounds as I prepare for purification and for this season's sundance. I talk about the way that the drug and alcohol treatment movement brought ceremony and ritual into the lives of both Indians and non-Indians. People discovered the power of the Red Road. Ethnic boundaries disappeared in the welcome for all people.

By Lewis Mehl-Madrona
Why do we need Stories?
Making up story is what are brains do best. In fact, the default mode of the brain is to idly invent what if and if only stories to so that we can run simulations of our social world. We are designed to fill in gaps in our perception. We must reject much environmental information in order to maintain a stable world map.


Latest Articles

By Rick Hanson PH.D.
The First and Second Dart

To borrow an expression from the Buddha, inescapable physical or mental discomfort is the "first dart" of existence. As long as you live and love, some of those darts will come your way. First darts are unpleasant to be sure. But then we add our reactions to them. These reactions are "second darts"--the ones we throw ourselves. Most of our suffering comes from second darts.


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