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#1 4/13/2011 Symphony of Science - The Music Video That's Actually Good for You! (Joan Brunwasser) Symphony of Science is a music video series that remixes the powerful words of influential scientists and makes them sing about their subjects, through the use of auto-tuning techniques. A Glorious Dawn, garnered an unexpected amount of success and praise and amassed a million views in under a month.Since then, I have released nine videos on topics like evolution, the brain, space exploration, the big bang theory, and more.
#2 1/15/2010 Good "NEWS" For, Biofeedback Neurofeedback and Mind Body Alternative Health and Wellness (Rob Kall) received notification yesterday that google news has approved our application to be included in their news "system." That's great news, obviously for futurehealth, but also for you, if you are in the field of biofeedback or neurofeedback. Here are some reasons why.

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