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For Tag "Neurological Brain Nervous System"
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#1 4/13/2011 Dr. Amy Banks on Keeping Those Grey Cells Fit As We Age (Joan Brunwasser) The most important thing to be doing as we age is to keep stimulating those brain cells.Staying engaged in mental activities like reading and learning and communicating with others keeps the brain cells alive and strong.I think people need to be able to maintain community and connections, opportunities to interact.The physiology of healthy relationship contributes to building a brain that is continuing to grow.
#2 2/12/2010 The Neurology of Biofeedback; A Neuro-anatomical and Physiological Review (Mariella Fischer-Williams, MD, FRCP) People commonly ask the questions : "Why?", "How does a thing work?" and "How can I fix it?". I do not attempt to answer "Why?" because it is a metaphysical question. Much of this article answers the question of "How can I fix it?". I shall mainly describe "How does the brain work?" which I freely acknowledge is an immodest goal. The nervous system is built upon a living network of feedback, constantly adapting
#3 12/21/2009 P A R A P O W E R for the Holidays (Celeste DeBease, PhD) Parapower stands for the amazing power that accompanies the deliberate activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. To understand it, I'll provide you with the basics of the human nervous system. Then, I'm going to suggest something fairly radical; that the only way to become more spiritual is through activation of this system.
#4 11/17/2009 Thalamic Involvement in the Generation of the Alpha Rhythms (Jay Gunkelman) Alpha" it's not a simple idling rhythm" let's look at alpha generators: The thalamic involvement in the generation of the alpha rhythm is being under-valued when looking at the LORETA images of alpha current source generators.

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