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For Tag "Living"
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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Imaging and doing are not as different as they sound Contemporary neuroscience has shown us that imagining an act and performing an act are virtually the same. We can strength our muscles almost as much by imagining exercising as by exercising. If mind is so powerful, why aren't we harnessing it for the good. I fear that mostly we allow it to run for the bad, imagining ourselves in any number of dire straights and illnesses, instead of imagining ourselves hale as we should. 1 1 Comment Count
Kathie Albertson: What Drives an Acupuncturist?A good philosophy on Health and People! What drives an acupuncturist? How are patients educated on the effectivenss of health based, holistic care vs disease based care. Trusting Chinese Herbs.
Grant Lawrence: Bodhi Bit--Where do You Live in Your Mind? No matter how we have lived our lives we can "open the gates of heaven" in this very moment by changing the focus in our minds.
Best Life Book, From Images
Jim Donovan: So, Just What is Age Anyway? Just what is age and are you going to let it stop you?
Ben Dench: Paradigm Assessment Schemata A holistic model is proposed for assessing different worldviews on how accurate and effective they are.

Rob Kall: Living in The Vein of Gold and Falling out. We all have veins of gold-- fantastic riches-- in our lives, every one of us. "Although men are accused of not knowing their own weakness, yet perhaps a few know their own strength. It is in men as in soils, where sometimes there is a vein of gold which the owner knows not of." Jonathan Swift

Rob Kall: Quotations By Thoreau on Finding the Best Within Ourselves and Living It When it comes to peak performance and finding the best in one's self, Thoreau was an unmitigated genius. Here is a large collection of quotations. For example, from his journal, "We live but a fraction of our life." 1 1 Comment Count

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