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For Tag "Truth"
(Top > Society-Culture > Character And Values: Truth)

Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Reflections after a Hypnosis Workshop I describe some reflections after co-teaching a hypnosis workshop. Particularly, we look at a person whose story is too large, as big even as the whole United States. How do we work with someone whose story is that large. I describe ways to extract smaller stories, short stories from the large novel, stories that can work within an hour time frame, the usual length of time for mental health or hypnosis encounters.
Dr. Cheryl Pappas: Celiac Blues and Greens Celiac disease,invisible, undiagnosed, could be playing havoc with your physical and mental well-being. Learn to listen to your body and you can heal it.
Judith Acosta: The Right to Expect? It is, or so we believed, our natural birthright. Birds did it. Bees did it. We did it. Just like that. In fact, most of the women visiting fertility specialists right now were afraid of getting pregnant and, for years, juggled IUD's, diaphragms, condoms, and pills to protect themselves from what they felt would be inevitable if they didn't cover themselves with creams and impermeable membranes.
Grant Lawrence: Bodhi Bit--Where do You Live in Your Mind? No matter how we have lived our lives we can "open the gates of heaven" in this very moment by changing the focus in our minds.
Ben Dench: The ADPAS Categories A discussion of the four quadrants of the Angyal-Dench Paradigm Assessment Schemata.

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