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For Tag "Ptsd"
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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Approaches to Trauma in the Indigenous Community -- Day 10 of the Australian Journey Today is Day 10 of the Australian Cross-Cultural Mental Health Journey. Today we talked about trauma in aboriginal communities and how to address that trauma. We collaboratively arrived at some ideas to propose. We agreed that narrativizing is necessary. We need to hear the stories of woundedness that people have to tell and to celebrate their resistance to abuse and to focus more on the resistance than on being a victim.
Allen L Roland: P.T.S.D Is Really Post Traumatic Heart Dysfunction It is obvious that the symptoms of PTSD are very similar to the symptoms of people being seemingly separated from love whereas deep psychic pain as well as feelings of guilt and unworthiness override the ability to give and receive love: Allen L Roland

Michael Cohen: How is brain imaging and cognitive neuroscience impacting neurofeedback? By learning from advances in both cognitive neuroscience and brain imaging about the brain, neurofeedback has learned to better target different areas of the brain. Much more information exists and will continue to help training strategies in the future. Some recent promising research from imaging studies suggests advances in applying neurofeedback for Learning Disabilities and chronic pain, as an example.
Rob Kall: American Character Strengths Threatened By Private Health Insurer Economic Policies The American character has been undergoing a dangerous and effective attack that has, in my opinion, gone virtually un-noticed. The character values of self-reliance, self responsibility and self control are being seriously eroded by private for profit and non-profit health insurer policies.
Dale Patterson: EEG Neurotheraphy In The Treatment Of Alcoholism And Addictions: Brief Overview The Peniston Neurofeedback Protocol is an intervention tested and proven effective with veterans and PTSD at the VA hospital system. This article details the elements of it.

Siegfried Othmer: Neurofeedback at Infra-low Frequencies of the EEG It is time for an update on our collective experience with infra-low frequency neurofeedback training. One impetus is the continuing confusion in the rest of the field about the implications of this kind of training, both theoretically and practically. Some are still skeptical of the whole enterprise. Others are coming to terms with it, but would prefer to regard it as filling certain niches within the panoply of neurofeed...
Belleruth Naparsteck: Finally Figuring Out What Helps Troops with Posttraumatic Stress We're finally figuring it out, people. Research from around the country is giving us the keys to helping our traumatized troops coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq. The only problem is, it will be at least a year - maybe two - before these studies are published.

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