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For Tag "Health Psychology"
(Top > Science-Nature > Psychology: Health Psychology)

Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Health Care Costs and Schizophrenia I reflect on the cost of care for people who are diagnosed with schizophrenia. I muse about a moving lecture by Eleanor Longdon, PhD, who was once a schizophrenic and now is a clinical psychologist. She spoke about her own process at the Hearing Voices Conference in Melbourne, Australia. Eleanor echoed my observations, that the way we manage people who hear voices and suffer this kind of distress is costly and ineffective. 1 1 Comment Count
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Judith Acosta: An Alternative to Big Pharm: A Mental Health Journey With Classical Homeopathy The following is a journey through several psychotherapy cases, how they may be seen in a homeopathic framework, and how healing can be enjoyed in a relatively brief period of time.
Judith Acosta: Beyond Biofeedback: How Words Can Help Children Heal Children learn who they are in the world via an organic form of biofeedback. Everything we say and do communicates and that communication is received by them not only cognitively but, perhaps more importantly, physiologically and genetically.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Psychiatrists in Community Mental Health This article explores the role of the psychiatrist in community mental health. I find myself working in this setting and realizing that almost everyone sees my role as the writing of prescriptions. Medication has become the core of community mental health with twice monthly, 25 minute "therapy" visits. I ask how psychiatrists working in such settings can push back. How can we reclaim psychiatry as the medicine of the soul? 1 1 Comment Count
Vidya Bolz: Trauma, Health and Neurofeedback summary of Dr. Robert Scaer's excellent video on his work on trauma and how it is stored in neural networks 1 1 Comment Count
Ash Rehn, counsellor & therapist, From Images
Ash Rehn: Using Life Metaphors in Gay Counselling & Psychotherapy Metaphors provide a way for clients and therapists to work in partnership in counselling and psychotherapy. This article examines the use of metaphors in gay counselling to assist clients to come to their own interpretations and start finding answers and solutions to problems about relationships, friendship and trust. 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Psychology and Health Care Reform A lunch meeting with Dr. Martin Johnson, a Honolulu psychologist, taught me much about how mental health coverage will change under health care reform. Insurance companies will have to provide mental health coverage on par with their coverage of medical conditions. But, who will be credentialed to provide these services? remains a question. Credentialing could limit access to services by limiting the numbers of providers. 1 1 Comment Count
Ash Rehn: A Starter Conversation for Problems with Alcohol. When faced with an alcohol problem many people describe themselves as sick, diseased or alcoholic. This article offers an alternative way of thinking about problem drinking by considering the power of alcohol and the opportunity to change the relationship one has with alcohol.

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