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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Rescue: When is it Unethical? An under explored ethical area is that of what Michael Ortiz Hill, in his marvelous new book, The Craft of Compassion, has called professional narcissism. This is when we need our clients to get well for our own needs. Of course, we want to think that we are effective and can help people, but the more we think this way and the less we think of dialogical resolution where each contributes to the outcome, the more harm we do. 1 1 Comment Count

Joan Brunwasser: Omega Institute's Elizabeth Lesser on "Broken Open" and Personal Transformation The hardest aspect of memoir is that it involves writing about not only oneself, but also about the people in one's life. My children, my parents, my husband, my ex-husband, my friends: none of them asked to be characters in my book. I am sure I caused discomfort for some of the folks in my life. But I did it for a reason that I still feel clear and good about.
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Joan Brunwasser: Part Two: Chatting with Uncommon Thinker and Best-Selling Author, Robert Fulghum I don't have to be in one place anymore as a writer.I've got family in Seattle.I have friends now in many places. I feel so lucky that I can go and live in a place like Bali for several months and think, "Wow, mine is not the only way to live in the world." You know that abstractly. You live in a village, you experience it; that really jars you loose from your prejudices and preconceptions.
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Joan Brunwasser: Chatting with Uncommon Thinker and Best-Selling Author, Robert Fulghum You suddenly look in the mirror and think "Why, I are a writer now. "And if they'll take that stuff,maybe if I put my mind to it, I could write something else." So, the second book, It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It came along. And they traded #1 and #2 at the top of the NYT best-seller list for months. And so I thought, "Well, this is something I can do." Well, it'd be crazy not to see how far it would go.

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