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Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Becoming Aware of Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine The development from Era 1 to Era 2 medicine emphasizes that we are not the body alone; we are mind-body entities. Era 3 medicine indicates that we are not confined to our mind-body; we are mind-body-spirit entities. As is the belief, so is the practice. If the physician believed that he was a mind-body-spirit entity, he would suggest the attitude of 'prayerfulness' by those concerned with the patient.
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Bliss Feedback Therapy An "associate' of bliss is made use of in meditation. A pitfall in meditation is to start believing this "associate' of bliss as real, pushing the bliss itself to the background.
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Understanding Meditation A simplified understanding of meditation is - it is basically the process of consciously transcending the "apparent self' to reach the "inner self', which is blissful.
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Our Built-in Biofeedback The mechanism of our built-in biofeedback explains why positive thinking works. See good, be good and do good may appear to be a moral advice to lead a happy blissful life, but it has a biological basis.
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: The Unlimited Potential of Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine Mind-body-spirit medicine allows the unknown to be tackled by the body's built-in mechanisms. Thus the therapeutic potential of mind-body-spirit medicine is unlimited, while the purely biomedical approach confines itself to limits set by the logical mind. 1 1 Comment Count

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