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For Tag "Biofeedback-Neurofeedback"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Bio Neuro feedback: Biofeedback-Neurofeedback)

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#1 4/22/2010 $229 Biofeedback Computer Biofeedback System CAB2 A complete biofeedback EMG and Thermal computer system including the computer. All you need to add is the monitor. These are sturdy, reliable, used workhorses with color graphics, smart thresholding, audio feedback, session stats and more
#2 3/18/2010 Bioethical Devils and Neuroscientific Details; Video In the late 1990s, treatments like Prozac and research on the human genome project appeared to usher in a new human reality with associated bioethical dilemmas. Are bioethicists as likely to be co-opted into the marketing of the new neuroscience and its treatments as they were into the marketing of the SSRIs? Contrasting current neuroimaging with quantitative electroencephalography, recent deep brain stimulation treatments...
#3 2/15/2010 Olympic Gold Winner Says Neurofeedback Helped Alexandre Bilodeau won the Men's Mogul event in Vancouver with the help of neurofeedback. Biofeedback, simplified, is learning yourself," Bilodeau says. "How you can put yourself into a state where you can perform the max." "The hardest thing for an athlete in any sport is to stay in the right now," he explained. Bioneurofeedback taught Bilodeau how to relax between runs. His trainer was psychiatrist Dr. Penny Werthner
#4 10/23/2009 Textbook of Neurofeedback, EEG Biofeedback, qEEG and Brain Self Regulation e-book by Rob Kall and Joe Kamiya with 26 chapters
#5 11/13/2008 Open Source Apps in Your Brain there are a few biofeedback apps for Linux users who want to explore the concept.
#6 10/28/2008 Attention: Stressed CEOs Economy got you down? Check out this $15,000 sanctuary.
#7 10/28/2008 British Pop Star Gets Brainwave Training to Prepare for UFO Encounters undergoing a procedure similar to one used on Nasa astronauts.

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