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For Tag "Brain"
(Top > Science-Nature > Bio-medical Sciences: Brain)

# Date Link
#1 7/9/2010 Robert Thatcher Advances in Understanding the Brain, Z-Score Neurofeedback, Why EEG is More Important than ever (Rob Kall)
#2 2/28/2010 Earl Miller top down Bottom Up brain processes (Rob Kall)
#3 2/28/2010 Peter Russell global brain- letting go- waking up consciousness meditation (Rob Kall)
#4 2/16/2010 Paul Swingle; Brain Stim for Autism, Coma, PTSD; Tying Acupuncture to Neuro/Biofeedback (Rob Kall)
#5 2/12/2010 Karl Pribram, M.D. on a new scientific revolution, amygdala, holographic brain, triune brain, Breaking new ground, EEG and Z scores. (Rob Kall)

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