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For Tag "Autism"
(Top > Health > Illness: Autism)

# Date Link
#1 12/18/2005 A New Approach to Working with Autistic & Aspergers Patients, Including Violent Ones (Michael Linden)
#2 11/3/2008 A Report on Thailand's use of HEG with Schizophrenia, Autism and Parkinson (Hershel Toomim)
#3 7/22/2008 Advances in the Diagnosis & Treatment of ADD and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Michael Linden)
#4 6/14/2007 Asperger's & ADD; Differences and Similarities - Preliminary Observations (Michael & Lynda Thompson)
#5 6/28/2007 Asperger's, ADHD, or Seizure Disorder? Differential Diagnosis and Intervention (Michael & Lynda Thompson)
#6 9/26/2008 Autism (Victoria Ibric)
#7 6/20/2008 EEG/qEEG and NFB with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Jay Gunkelman)
#8 6/20/2008 Foundations and Applications of Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials (Tom Collura)
#9 11/20/2006 More Effective Neurofeedback with Very High-Arousal Clients: Going Below 0-3 Hz (Sue Othmer)
#10 11/10/2005 Neurofeedback For Autism: Empirical Validation and Theoretical Framework (Robert Coben)
#11 6/6/2008 Neurofeedback with Autistic Spectrum Disorder: What Are Successful Outcomes? (Michael Linden)
#12 6/6/2008 Panel: Issues in the Diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Implications for Neurofeedback (Michael Linden)
#13 10/1/2008 Roshi Protocols in Autism (Victoria Ibric)
#14 11/13/2008 The Autism/Aspergers/ADD Subtype Connection (Michael Linden)
#15 6/6/2008 The Efficacy of Attention Training with ADHD Children; Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Study (Roger DeBeus)
#16 6/20/2007 Using Neurofeedback for Autistic Disorders (Michael & Lynda Thompson)

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