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March 11, 2010

Music and lyrics: How the brain splits songs

By Rob Kall

Are music and lyrics processed by different parts of the brain? Subjects listened to either same tune, with different lyrics or same lyrics, different tune. fMRI determined that:– the superior temporal sulcus (STS) – was responding to the songs. In the middle of the STS, the lyrics and tune were being processed as a single signal. But in the anterior STS, only the lyrics seemed to be processed.


Are music and lyrics processed by different parts of the brain? Subjects listened to either same tune, with different lyrics or same lyrics, different tune. fMRI determined that:– the superior temporal sulcus (STS) – was responding to the songs. In the middle of the STS, the lyrics and tune were being processed as a single signal. But in the anterior STS, only the lyrics seemed to be processed.

Authors Bio:

One theme has run through my work for the past 40 plus years-- a desire to play a role in waking people up, raising their consciousness and empowering them.
I was the organizer founder of the Winter Brain, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology and StoryCon Meetings and president of Futurehealth, Inc., with interests in Positive Psychology as well as being involved in the field of biofeedback/neurofeedback since 1972.
see my more detailed bio, reflecting my work in biofeedback, here.

In 2003 I founded , where I've written over 1800 articles and have published over 100,000 other people's writings, with the goal of raising people's consciousness in political and activist ways.
