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Stephen Larsen
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Stephen Larsen Head and Heart: Combined Modalities: The LENS neurofeedback and HRV training Head and Heart: Combined Modalities: The LENS neurofeedback and HRV training (SKU: AH-W4-382)
Futurehealth Workshop by Steve Larsen Since 2002, I have used Heart Rate Variability training along with the LENS neurofeedback, to help patients with anxiety and concentraition problems especially; although the protocol seems also to help with acute chronic pain, insomnia and other problems of dysregulation. The primary modality of the LENS, as a passive form of neurofeedback, needed some kind of "homework" approach, in this case involving the HeartMath protocol to train diaphragmatic breathing along with positive visualization and thinking. The combination helps people both function better neurologically, and have a useful form of self-management when things get tough. Dr. Larsen will accompany this powerpoint presentation along with experiential demonstrations in achieving coherence in HRV and neurological balance.
Anxiety, Heart Rate Variability, Lens Neurofeedback
Stephen Larsen The Mything Side of the Mind: (The Perilous Rapture of Fundamentalistic Thinking) The Mything Side of the Mind: (The Perilous Rapture of Fundamentalistic Thinking) (SKU: AH-P-383)
Futurehealth WinterBrain 20 minute plenary presentation by Stephen Larsen The thesis of this paper is based on Dr. Larsen?s forthcoming book entitled: Perilous Rapture: On the Dangers of Fundamentalistic Thinking. Larsen takes the position that some kinds of myths are extremely dangerous, and polarize our duality-prone nervous systems still further, into dysfunctional and even pathological patterns. The thesis dates from an idea of Joseph Campbell?s that our brains are the hardware, and culture the software, of human functioning.
Fundamentalism, Joseph Campbell, Myth
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