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Sebern Fisher Trauma and Recovery: The Integration of Neurofeedback and Psychotherapy Trauma and Recovery: The Integration of Neurofeedback and Psychotherapy (SKU: AH-W4-290)
Futurehealth Workshop by Sebern Fisher Post-traumatic stress disorder is, at its foundation, a disorder of the brain, particularly of the brain's ability to regulate fear. The brain oscillates between high sympathetic arousal as manifest in nightmares and startle responses and parasympathic under arousal, manifest at its worst in dissociation. PTSD is a brain in the grip of fear. The regulation of fear is the single most important contribution neurofeedback makes in the remediation of PTSD. This workshop will focus on the integration of neurofeedback and psychotherapy in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, both acute and chronic.
Fear, Psychotherapy, Trauma
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