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Articles    H3'ed 11/13/09


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What do these recommendations mean? How does a physician who has promised to do no harm interpret then act on this information?

Let's take the first recommendation: ""should a pandemic materialize. That is a fair statement on the surface, but our track record on these things is not very good.

As apsychotherapist and homeopathin NM, I am presented with a fair amount of anxiety on a broad range of topics from the people who come to see me. However, they are usually afraid of far more than they should be and do far less about the things they should be afraid of. People are afraid of ordinary household germs as if a serial killer were hiding in their basement, but they (as we saw recently) stand on rocky shorelines as hurricane-force waves batter the boulders they're standing on and drag them out to sea.

An example of this sort of misplaced anxiety is one instance in 1976 when the US government vaccinated 45 million people for a swine flu outbreak that never materialized. In its wake 500 people developed a rare neurological condition called Guillain-Barre syndrome which left many people in comas and 25 dead.

Recommendations numbers two and three are important to read together because in effect it says: we are targeting specific populations, but we don't know what it's going to do to these specific populations because the vaccines produced with new technologies have not been properly tested on them.

If I had taken an oath to do no harm, I would be properlyworried at this point.

Read The Ingredients!

This is an important injunction, particularly when we consider what vaccines are made of. Most Americans know about Thimerosal. But few know that aluminum is now being added to a number of vaccines to make them "work better. The FDA has made the limits of ingestion clear on its website which documents aluminum toxicity from the dextrose patients receive in hospitals when they are hooked up to IV's. No studies have been done to determine what the effects of the aluminum in vaccines are, especially when given to infants.

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Judith Acosta, LISW, CHT is a licensed psychotherapist and clinical homeopath in private practice in Placitas and Albuquerque. Her areas of specialization include the treatment of anxiety, depression, and trauma. She has appeared on both television (more...)
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