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James Bonnet The Fundamentals of Storymaking for Writers, Therapists and Healers The Fundamentals of Storymaking for Writers, Therapists and Healers (SKU: AF-W2-010)
Futurehealth StoryCon 2 hour workshop presentation by James Bonnet.
Story, Story, Storymaking
James Bonnet Archetype and Metaphor; the Secret Language of Stories & the Human Mind Archetype and Metaphor; the Secret Language of Stories & the Human Mind (SKU: AE-W2-003)
Futurehealth StoryCon 2 hour workshop presentation by James Bonnet.
Archetype, Archetypes - Mythology, Story, Story, Story Mythology Archetypes, Story Mythology Archetypes, Storycon
Michael Hauge Bringing Out the Hero: Leading People on the Journey from Fear to Courage Bringing Out the Hero: Leading People on the Journey from Fear to Courage (SKU: AF-W2-017)
Futurehealth StoryCon 2 hour workshop presentation by Michael Hauge.
Hero, Heros Journey, Story, Story, StoryTelling
Karen Jacobs Method Storytelling Method Storytelling (SKU: AH-W2-315)
Futurehealth StoryCon 2 hour workshop presentation by Karen Jacobs. Explore your own history. Access the demons and crises in your life, identify nature experiences and render their marrow for your story telling. We will do group and individual processes to mine our own lives, to locate our most intense emotional experience. We will practice ways to utilize this marrow to render compelling stories.
Healing, Screenwriting, Story, StoryTelling, StoryTelling
Karen Jacobs Organic Storytelling Organic Storytelling (SKU: AH-P-358)
Futurehealth StoryCon 20 minute presentation by Karen Jacobs. Great stories originate in the mind of the creator. By articulating remembered feelings the writer can engage the audience wiht authentic emotional resonance.
Organic, Story, Story Consulting, StoryTelling, StoryTelling
Pamela Jaye Smith Creating Our Next Mythologies Creating Our Next Mythologies (SKU: AG-P-229)
Futurehealth StoryCon 20 minute presentation by Pamela Jaye Smith. Visionary story-tellers can both reflect and help shape the zeitgeist of an era. This talk presents Seven Thematic Approaches to insightful stories, plus a new look at Character Transformation, all from the Ageless Wisdom of our most powerful and timeless myths. Many mythic systems envision the ideal pattern for the evolution of people, cultures, and the species as a progression from Tribal Consciousness to Individual Consciousness to Group Consciousness. We will explore in depth aspects and manifestations of each level, methods of growth and transformation, and ways to express same in language both verbal and visual.
Consciousness, Media, Mythology, Story, Story Consulting, Story Mythology Archetypes, Story Writing, StoryTelling, Transformation
Pamela Jaye Smith ArchePaths: Self-Initiation Through Story ArchePaths: Self-Initiation Through Story (SKU: AG-P-012)
Futurehealth StoryCon 20 minute presentation by Pamela Jaye Smith. Talk Warrior, Monk, Scientist, Magician, and Lover?? What Path are you on? How about your story characters? Your clients? Your colleagues? Discover the three levels and three aspects of each Path. Explore the Ageless Wisdom of the ArchePaths for story character creation, personal growth, counseling, group dynamics, leadership, and team building.
Character, Initiation, Personal Myth, Story, Story Mythology Archetypes, Storymaking
Craig Webb Precognitive Dreams and the Everyday Physics of Free Will Precognitive Dreams and the Everyday Physics of Free Will (SKU: AG-P-083)
Futurehealth StoryCon 20 minute presentation by Craig Webb. Have you ever dreamt of events that later come to pass in waking life? If so, you are in good company along with 2/3 of the general population. Can such information be harvested for beneficial and practical use? The new hit TV show "Medium" shows one application -- helping to solve crimes, but there are many others. For many people, such dreams bring fear or guilt, since most of us have no training about how to handle such experiences. Others are skeptical that such premonitions are even possible or more than just random chance. This presentation will explore the science, experience and applications of such dreams and visions.
Consciousness, Dreams, Precognitive, Story, Story Consulting, Story Writing, StoryTelling
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