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Michael Linden A New Approach to Working with Autistic & Aspergers Patients, Including Violent Ones A New Approach to Working with Autistic & Aspergers Patients, Including Violent Ones (SKU: AG-P-170)
Futurehealth WinterBrain Plenary presentation by Michael Linden This talk will explain new discoveries in unique subtypes of Autism & Aspergers. I will present a treatment approach in which Neurofeedback is the foundation. We will discuss how individuals with Autism & Aspergers can become depressed, socially isolated & even lethally violent at times.
Aspergers, Autism, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Behavior Modification, Neurofeedback, Neurofeedback, QEEG, Violence
Thom Hartmann ADHD secrets of success ADHD secrets of success (SKU: AD-W2-036)
Futurehealth WinterBrain 2 hour workshop presentation by Thom Hartmann.
Ad-hd, Add, Adhd, Edison Gene, Neurofeedback
Richard Soutar An EEG Based Inventory For Neurofeedback Professionals An EEG Based Inventory For Neurofeedback Professionals (SKU: AG-W2-024)
Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Richard Soutar. The Interactive Self Inventory is designed to be used by neurofeedback practitioners to assess clients in a variety of dimensions of social interaction. Using this Inventory they can assist clients in taking steps to change that are consistent with their qEEG patterns and their neurofeedback training.
Assessment Inventory, Neurofeedback, Transformation
Michael & Lynda Thompson Asperger's & ADD; Differences and Similarities - Preliminary Observations Asperger's & ADD; Differences and Similarities - Preliminary Observations (SKU: AE-W2-008)
Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Michael & Lynda Thompson
Ad-hd, Add, Adhd, Aspergers, Autism, Neurofeedback
Michael & Lynda Thompson Asperger's, ADHD, or Seizure Disorder? Differential Diagnosis and Intervention Asperger's, ADHD, or Seizure Disorder? Differential Diagnosis and Intervention (SKU: AF-W4-005)
Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Michael & Lynda Thompson
Adhd, Aspergers, Autism, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Neurofeedback, Seizure Disorder
Michael Linden Aspergers: Less severe but more difficult than Autism? Aspergers: Less severe but more difficult than Autism? (SKU: AH-P-391)
Futurehealth WinterBrain Plenary presentation by Michael Linden This talk will describe the EEG & symptomatic difference between Aspergers and Autism. I will discuss how students with Aspergers are more difficult to work with in Neurofeedback then students with Autism based on behavioral, family and QEEG characteristics
Aspergers, Neurofeedback
Valdeane Brown Awakening Bodhicitta: A Fundamental Framework For Understanding the Transformative Potential of Neurofeedback Awakening Bodhicitta: A Fundamental Framework For Understanding the Transformative Potential of Neurofeedback (SKU: AG-P-040)
Futurehealth WinterBrain 20 minute presentation by Valdeane Brown. Buddhist psychology provides an effective way to truly understand what actually happens during neurofeedback training.
Boddhicitta, Meditation, Meditation, Meditation Through Neurofeedback, Mindfulness Meditation, Neurofeedback, Neuromeditation, Non-linear Dynamics
Karl Pribram Brain and Mathematics which takes David Bohm's Ideas on the Quantum Potential and Active Information a Step Forward Brain and Mathematics which takes David Bohm's Ideas on the Quantum Potential and Active Information a Step Forward (SKU: AE-W4-023)
Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Karl Pribram
Mathematics, Neurofeedback
Tom Gross Brain Centered Whole Person Healing for AD/HD Brain Centered Whole Person Healing for AD/HD (SKU: AG-P-209)
Futurehealth WinterBrain Plenary presentation by Tom Gross Dr. Tom Gross, a board certified Chiropractic Neurologist, integrates drugless, natural neuroscientific methods of intervention helping overcome AD/HD and Aspergers Spectrum Disorders. This amazingly comprehensive approach screens for fundamental metabolic, neurological and neuropsychological problems. Interventions are aimed at restoring the innate self regulatory mechanisms so the benefits represent genuine and lasting healing.
Ad-hd, Neurofeedback, Whole Healing
Hershel Toomim Clinical Cerebral Blood flow HEG Clinical Cerebral Blood flow HEG (SKU: AD-W2-032)
Futurehealth Workshop by Hershel Toomin
Heg, Hemoencephalography, Neurofeedback
Jonathan Walker Clinical/qEEG Correlations of High Frequency Beta Activity Clinical/qEEG Correlations of High Frequency Beta Activity (SKU: AH-P-322)
Futurehealth WinterBrain 20 minute presentation by Jonathan Walker.
Beta Activity, Neurofeedback, QEEG
Showing 1-42 of 42 items
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