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Entering the Mandala: Living the Sacred Circle sm
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Futurehealth Workshop by John DeLuca From early childhood, we construct a notion of ourselves and world. When our life experience is at odds with our view that arises from these fabrications, we suffer. In this experiential workshop, we explore the notion of the self as a mandala and more importantly, our immersion into the sacred space of the mandala environment in the spirit of Buddhist tantric practice. In this sense, the mandala is a metaphor for the deconstruction and reformation of the self and our notion of reality. Create a better life. Change your expectations and change your world. Re-vision yourself and live the light!
From early childhood, we begin to construct a notion of ourselves along with a particular world view. Later, when our life experience is at odds with the perceptions and conceptualizations that arise from these fabrications, we experience suffering of some kind. In many instances, these notions of ourselves have become fixed and rigid. We forget that what we take as solid and real today were often the working assumptions of a child, and often based on insufficient information, faulty logic and/or misperception. Yet today, their origins are buried deep in our unconscious, and continue to have an impact on our thoughts and feelings.

In this experiential workshop, we explore the notion of the self as a mandala as understood by the depth psychologist Carl Jung. However, our focus will be on understanding and transforming the five primal energies associated with the mandala into their corresponding wisdom essence. As such, our focus will be on identifying and transforming our habitual patterns of being in and seeing the world. In this sense, the mandala is a metaphor for the deconstruction and reformation of the self and our personal cosmology. By shifting beliefs, notions of our self, and of our patterns of perception and conceptualization, we provide the ground for developing alternative and healthier perspectives of our self and the world. Through a process of immersing onself into the sacred space of the mandala environment, or "living the sacred circle", you can engender a life-changing shift in consciousness.

Change your expectations and change your world. Re-vision yourself and begin living the light!

? 2003-2006 John W. DeLuca All Rights Reserved


Author: John DeLuca

John W. DeLuca, Ph.D., founder of Fearless Heart�, is a fully licensed psychologist in Colorado and Michigan. He is also in private practice in Boulder providing psychotherapy, neuropsychological assessment, QEEG brain mapping, neurofeedback and performance enhancement training. He was formerly Assistant Professor at Wayne State University School of Medicine and Director of the Neuropsychology Lab, University Psychiatric Center (1992-2002). Dr. DeLuca is a graduate and former faculty member of Elizabeth Stratton's Touching Spirit� Training Programs as well as continuing student of Kyabje Gehlek Rimpoche, Jewel Heart Tibetan Buddhist Center, Ann Arbor, MI. Dr. DeLuca is a warm and accessible teacher. His workshops are built upon his own personal and heartfelt transformational journey. He explains "In late 1995, I began a journey of deeper spiritual exploration after a series of traumatic personal events rather close in time. My journey began with Reiki training and studying with Elizabeth Stratton, a healer and founder of the Touching Spirit Center� in Litchfield, Connecticut. Serendipitously, I also became a more serious student of Kyabje Gehlek Rimpoche of the Jewel Heart Buddhist Center in Ann Arbor, MI with whom I have studied with less consistently since the early 1990's.�

Other Products by John DeLuca

1) Exploring the In-Between: QEEG/LORETA Findings of "Other Dimensional Awareness"
2) Heart Practices for Spiritual Transformation
3) Generating Wisdom and compassion: qEEG and LORETA Findings

MP3   $25.00
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