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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Problem Based Learning Problem-based learning has become the norm for much of medical education, yet other disciplines are slower to adopt it. I muse about how to integrate PBL (as if is called) into the on-line psychology teaching environment and consider student objections. This essay was prompted by the comments of two students who were strongly opposed to PBL and gave me the opportunity to reflect upon its strengths and weaknesses.
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Brad Worthley: Add Is Not A Disease, It Is A Gift - If You Don't Have It You Should Get It! ADD & ADHD are perceived and treated as a disease, but there a many gifts behind the diagnoses. The gift of creativity, inginuity and fearlessness, which is why people with ADD & ADHD make great entrepreneurs. I have embraced the diagnoses and lived an extraordinary life because of it. 1 1 Comment Count

Joan Brunwasser: FAN Brings Great Programs to New Trier Township Parents Dr. Carol Dweck is one of the most highly-regarded researchers in the field of motivation and learning in the world. Her theories about "growth" and "fixed" mindsets have wide application in many areas, including education, sports, and business -- really, any field that is vested in maximizing human potential. Her work speaks directly to the issues of student success, failure, resilience, motivation and learning.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: The Larger Stories of Education Art and play are important in psychology and psychology education. I use the opportunity of attending the National Council of Schools of Professional Psychology annual meeting to speculate about the future of psychology education and to ponder the effects of for-profit institutions on education. I suggest that for-profit education can only be mediocre because real education aspires to creativity and for-profit standardizes. 1 1 Comment Count

Michael Cohen: Schools and Neurofeedback We have been hopeful for many years that neurofeedback can be used in schools. If you help children and adolescents learn better, learn to attend, and learn self-control, the societal impact could be amazing.
Frances Fox: Is Your Child an Indigo or Crystal Child? Are You? Children today are different, they are more evolved, they are born wise. They receive information from more than one dimension at a time; consequently, their minds cannot stay in one dimension. Because of their inability to focus, too often they are classified as ADHD. The biggest challenge for parents and teachers is how to educate then, how to satisfy their needs and how to keep them happy.

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