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Frank J. Granett The Price of ADHD Business The Price of ADHD Business focuses on the outdated assessment and treatment process in children for behavioral conditions during the past 40 years. The new business model involves ruling out underlying nutritional, physiological and environmental risk factors prior to premature drug therapy. The symptoms of ADHD are real and can be uncovered as described in Over Medicating Our Youth and The American Epidemic.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Health Care Costs and Schizophrenia I reflect on the cost of care for people who are diagnosed with schizophrenia. I muse about a moving lecture by Eleanor Longdon, PhD, who was once a schizophrenic and now is a clinical psychologist. She spoke about her own process at the Hearing Voices Conference in Melbourne, Australia. Eleanor echoed my observations, that the way we manage people who hear voices and suffer this kind of distress is costly and ineffective. 1 1 Comment Count

Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Improving the Quality of Health Care from Within Faith is essential for healing to take place regardless of the kind of treatment that is actually given. Where there is faith, the feeling is positive and this helps the body's built-in mechanisms of healing. The quality of health care would eventually depend on how well the various aspects of health care are synchronized to supplement and support the central nature of faith and the hidden reality of mind-body-spirit medicine.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Nanglyala Mental Health Center I write about the composite mental health center I have created in previous essays which comes from my and others' experiences working in mental health in New York State. I call it Nanglyala Mental Health Center, in honor of the Russian word for Valhalla, which one can't use, for it actually exists. I propose a thought experiment in changing the culture at NMHC, which I hope someone somewhere will be inspired to do.
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Health Care Needs a Fundamentally New Approach Health of man is considered to have the components of physical, mental and social well-being. The state of spiritual health of an individual being intangible is left out. This has perforce reduced the consideration of man as a sum of parts, whose malfunction lead to a diseased state. Recent advances in psychology and psychoneuroimmunology now suggest that spiritual health needs to be rightfully included in Health Care matters.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Psychiatrists in Community Mental Health This article explores the role of the psychiatrist in community mental health. I find myself working in this setting and realizing that almost everyone sees my role as the writing of prescriptions. Medication has become the core of community mental health with twice monthly, 25 minute "therapy" visits. I ask how psychiatrists working in such settings can push back. How can we reclaim psychiatry as the medicine of the soul? 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Learning from Native North America for Health Care The traditional healing of North America is slowly findings its way into conventional clinical settings. Not everyone (Native and non-Native) agree with its entry there. Some people believe that traditional healing should be restricted to Native people and kept away from Non-Natives. Others believe it should be openly shared with all. Even knowing what is a traditional healer is a debated question. Some people call themse 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Psychology and Health Care Reform A lunch meeting with Dr. Martin Johnson, a Honolulu psychologist, taught me much about how mental health coverage will change under health care reform. Insurance companies will have to provide mental health coverage on par with their coverage of medical conditions. But, who will be credentialed to provide these services? remains a question. Credentialing could limit access to services by limiting the numbers of providers. 1 1 Comment Count
Stephen Soldz: Spreading Hysteria about Swine Flu "Hysteria": Public Health Preparedness in the Face of Uncertainty Public health policy-making takes place in the midst of uncertainty regarding future developments. Swine flu preparedness provides as illustration.

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