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For Tag "Health Care Legislation"
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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: More Indian Than Thou More Indian Than Thou is a current artefact of blood quantum discussion. It disenfranchises many, and seems to contain some of the same political aspects as our oppressors. This article addresses the question of Indian identity. Can a person be an Indian without being enrolled in a tribe. Can a person claim Native American heritage without tribal enrollment and endorsement? What are the politics of "Indianness"? 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Psychology and Health Care Reform A lunch meeting with Dr. Martin Johnson, a Honolulu psychologist, taught me much about how mental health coverage will change under health care reform. Insurance companies will have to provide mental health coverage on par with their coverage of medical conditions. But, who will be credentialed to provide these services? remains a question. Credentialing could limit access to services by limiting the numbers of providers. 1 1 Comment Count
Rob Kall: American Character Strengths Threatened By Private Health Insurer Economic Policies The American character has been undergoing a dangerous and effective attack that has, in my opinion, gone virtually un-noticed. The character values of self-reliance, self responsibility and self control are being seriously eroded by private for profit and non-profit health insurer policies.

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