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For Tag "Dreams"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Techniques: Dreams)

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#1 9/4/2011 The Psychology of Fantasy (Saberi Roy) On the role of the conscious mind in fantasy and studying the uses, functions and stages of fantasy
#2 3/15/2011 More Indigenous Similarities Despite Differences -- Day 6 of the Australian Journey (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) This is Day 6 of the Australian cross-cultural mental health exchange journey. Today we all experienced a form of healing used in the Northern Territories called "burning". They correct usage appears to be, "I burned her and she got well." One doesn't actually get burned, but palm bark is ceremonially placed in the area of an injury or sickness after having been made warm in a fire, accompanied by touch therapy and prayer.1 1 Comment Count
#3 5/23/2010 The Man Who Revolutionizes Psychoanalytical Therapy - interview with Luca Bosurgi (Luca Bosurgi DHyp, LCCH, MBSCH) Luca Bosurgi, a defining voice in the emerging field of mind-spirit therapy, transforms psychoanalysis to spritual evolution. He has developed an original mind coaching technique: The CognitiveOS Hypnosis. For the first time he has agreed to talk about the power of the CognitiveOS Hypnosis and why it's the next step in psychoanalytical therapy. - By Nadien Aurel
#4 5/10/2010 Coyote Healing Excerpt from Chapter 4, The Medicine Wheel (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) This is an excerpt from my book, Coyote Healing: Miracles from Native America. It's about the medicine wheel.
#5 2/23/2010 Tuning In On The Twilight Zone (Tom Budzynski) FOR A BRIEF TIME as we lie in bed at night, neither fully awake nor yet asleep, we pass through a twilight mental zone that Arthur Koestler has described as a state of reverie. Many people associate this drowsy stage with hallucinatory images, more fleeting and disjointed than dreams, and compare it to the viewing of a speeded-up, jerky series of photographic slides. A host of artists and scientists have credited the...
#6 10/6/2009 How to Increase Dream Recall (Craig Webb) Wouldn't you like to remember your dreams more and start really experiencing the powerful benefits your subconscious has to offer you every night? You will learn proven techniques for recalling more dreams, starting within a week or less1 1 Comment Count

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