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#1 3/19/2011 Approaches to Trauma in the Indigenous Community -- Day 10 of the Australian Journey (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Today is Day 10 of the Australian Cross-Cultural Mental Health Journey. Today we talked about trauma in aboriginal communities and how to address that trauma. We collaboratively arrived at some ideas to propose. We agreed that narrativizing is necessary. We need to hear the stories of woundedness that people have to tell and to celebrate their resistance to abuse and to focus more on the resistance than on being a victim.
#2 3/18/2011 Narrativizing is the first step at becoming indigenous friendly -- Day 8 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) On Day 8, we asked how do we transform health care to become more indigenous friendly, whether it's mental health care of general medical care. The answer that jumped out was to implement narrative practice. Indigenous cultures are virtually uniformly cultures of story in which stories matter greatly. Being heard means having the opportunity to tell one's stories. "Treatment" begins by hearing and acknowledging stories.1 1 Comment Count

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