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For Tag "Psychic"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Mystical Esoteric Psi: Psychic)

Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Explanatory Plurarlism I ask the question, what if all knowledge existed in the form of stories and all stories were true? If we practiced in this manner, as advocated by Uncle Albert, an aboriginal elder, how would we act? The notion of explanatory pleuralism argues that explanatory stories on any particular level do not have to relate to any other level of explanation; rather they must correspond to the level of which they are explaining.
Allen L Roland: P.T.S.D Is Really Post Traumatic Heart Dysfunction It is obvious that the symptoms of PTSD are very similar to the symptoms of people being seemingly separated from love whereas deep psychic pain as well as feelings of guilt and unworthiness override the ability to give and receive love: Allen L Roland

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