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For Tag "Peace"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Mental Health: Peace)

Catherine Al-Meten: Waking from the Trance of Unworthiness Article about using meditation as a way to deal with unworthiness and self hatred.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Why can't the sundance feeling last all year long? I reflect on my experience of coming out of sundance, which is always a powerful, personally transformative experience for me and those others with whom I dance. Because of its deep embodiedness, sundance is simultaneously mental, physical, spiritual and communal. This and the prayers brought to sundance and the examples provided by the dancers of transcending our physical limits, explains in part the amazing healings seen. 1 1 Comment Count

Lewis Mehl-Madrona: The Miracle of Peacefulness Unfortunately, miracles cannot be guaranteed or produced on demand. What is more certain is our ability to cultivate a sense of peacefulness and meaning even in the face of illness. This is miraculous in itself given today's world and medical culture. So many people sit namelessly, faceless and alone on nursing home floors, passing the time before death.

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