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Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD: The four Stages of Fatigue: Which one are you in? How can TCM combat it? Did you know that fatigue slowly expresses itself in four stages in your body? Did you know that it crawls deeper and deeper deteriorating all of your key organ systems? Fatigue has an uncanny way of starting out as an occasional situation that we assume will go away. Often, it doesn't. We do not slow down and get the rest we need---we merely push ourselves harder. At what expense? TCM helps.
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Health Care Needs a Fundamentally New Approach Health of man is considered to have the components of physical, mental and social well-being. The state of spiritual health of an individual being intangible is left out. This has perforce reduced the consideration of man as a sum of parts, whose malfunction lead to a diseased state. Recent advances in psychology and psychoneuroimmunology now suggest that spiritual health needs to be rightfully included in Health Care matters.
Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD: Amenorrhea: What does not having a menstrual cycle mean? Amenorrhea means "no menstrual flow" (absence of menstruation). In Chinese medicine, it refers to "no moon." Today it is more important than ever to understand TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine which includes acupuncture and herbal medicine) as well as Western medicine. Today's reality integrates these two schools of thought to improve patient care. TCM gets to the root cause naturally with out the harsh affects of drugs.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Psychiatrists in Community Mental Health This article explores the role of the psychiatrist in community mental health. I find myself working in this setting and realizing that almost everyone sees my role as the writing of prescriptions. Medication has become the core of community mental health with twice monthly, 25 minute "therapy" visits. I ask how psychiatrists working in such settings can push back. How can we reclaim psychiatry as the medicine of the soul? 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Why can't the sundance feeling last all year long? I reflect on my experience of coming out of sundance, which is always a powerful, personally transformative experience for me and those others with whom I dance. Because of its deep embodiedness, sundance is simultaneously mental, physical, spiritual and communal. This and the prayers brought to sundance and the examples provided by the dancers of transcending our physical limits, explains in part the amazing healings seen. 1 1 Comment Count
Kathie Albertson: Acupuncture Improves Thyroid Function! Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine is effective in treating thyroid disorders. Read how!
Vidya Bolz: Trauma, Health and Neurofeedback summary of Dr. Robert Scaer's excellent video on his work on trauma and how it is stored in neural networks 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Community -- Why is it hard? Belonging to community has huge benefits. It's hard because true community includes annoying and irritating people who don't agree with us. It includes people who sometimes act bizarre or socially inappropriately. It doesn't exclude and it minimizes power imbalances. Having true community takes work, because it's easier to be anonymous and let other people be in charge. But the effort pays off, and it's worth it.
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Everything is a play of Consciousness When we understand that everything in a day's life is a play of consciousness then we can ourselves play with our consciousness 1 1 Comment Count
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: The Philosophy of Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine Mind-body-spirit medicine allows the unknown to be tackled by the body's built-in mechanisms. Thus the therapeutic potential of mind-body-spirit medicine is unlimited, while the purely biomedical approach confines itself to limits set by the logical mind. 1 1 Comment Count
Ash Rehn: What is Sex Addiction? Questions from a Narrative Psychotherapy Perspective This article examines the problems with the idea of Sex Addiction, and the possibilities for revealing more helpful and relevant understandings of problems that come from using the techniques of Narrative Therapy. 1 1 Comment Count
Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD: The 5 Myths of Acupuncture: Do you Know them? Does acupuncture hurt? Do I need to continue treatment forever? Is ther physiological change in the body? This article dispels some of your questions and puts to rests the myths surrounding this 5000-year-old holistic health science. Yes, acupuncture has been in existence for 5000 years; compared to western medicine that is just over 200 years old. It has stood the test of time.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Reflections on the American Psychiaatric Association's annual meeting This past week we attended the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in New Orleans, Louisiana. The high point was the amazing food that New Orleans offers. Besides that, we dialogue about the myths that psychiatry has created that now need to be changed. These myths include the idea that a perfect pill exists to make people feel "normal" and that a pill exists that can change unpleasant affect in happiness
Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD: Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in the Treatment Gynecology Related Problems: Bridging the Medical Gap! Traditional Chinese medicine includes acupuncture and the use of Chinese herbs formulated specifically or your condition. For 5000 years, gynecology related conditions have been effectively treated with the use of TCM. Western medicine as were know it has only been in existence for 200+years. Learn what conditions TCm treats and to bridge the gapin your hhealth care.
Kathie Albertson: Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner speaks out on National Health Reform: TCM advocates "health" care--not "sick' Improved patient care depends on holistic measures that resolve health problems and improve patient care. Today, chronic diseases- heart and liver disease, arthritis, stress, fatigue and anxiety are common place ailments. They should not be. With the Health Reform Act, more people will have health care, and that is a good thing. But who is advocating the "health" in "healthcare?" TCM does! 7 reasons to use it for you and your 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Coyote Healing Excerpt from Chapter 4, The Medicine Wheel This is an excerpt from my book, Coyote Healing: Miracles from Native America. It's about the medicine wheel.
Kathie Albertson: 3 Reasons why leisure time and leisure mind balance your health! Leisure time and leisure mind a must for balanced health. 3 reasons why!
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Learning from Native North America for Health Care The traditional healing of North America is slowly findings its way into conventional clinical settings. Not everyone (Native and non-Native) agree with its entry there. Some people believe that traditional healing should be restricted to Native people and kept away from Non-Natives. Others believe it should be openly shared with all. Even knowing what is a traditional healer is a debated question. Some people call themse 1 1 Comment Count
Kathie Albertson: What Drives an Acupuncturist?A good philosophy on Health and People! What drives an acupuncturist? How are patients educated on the effectivenss of health based, holistic care vs disease based care. Trusting Chinese Herbs.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Crossroads This weekend I attended a conference called Crossroads in Topanga Canyon, California. We met together to think about bringing healing circles and talking circles to ever corner and intersection in America. We experienced a healing circle together, which inspired us to think more about what it would mean for health care if all of us to belonged to one. Health care costs will only soar unless people begin to take ca 1 1 Comment Count
Dr. Clare Albright: Neurofeedback and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Offer Hope for a Brain Injury Patient This is a true story of how neurofeedback and hyperbaric oxygen therapy transformed the life of a young man who suffered severe brain damage in a car accident. 2 2 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Integrative Mental Health and Health Care Reform A recent conference in Arizona on Integrative Mental Health highlighted how poorly our current mental health care system is working. The conference was full of passion for changing our system and for incorporating nutrition, exercise, yoga, and psychotherapy into our work to improve effectiveness. More time with people is necessary and health care reform needs to reimburse that time. Indigenous mental health ideas show us... 1 1 Comment Count
Ash Rehn: A Starter Conversation for Problems with Alcohol. When faced with an alcohol problem many people describe themselves as sick, diseased or alcoholic. This article offers an alternative way of thinking about problem drinking by considering the power of alcohol and the opportunity to change the relationship one has with alcohol.
Best Life Book, From Images
Jim Donovan: So, Just What is Age Anyway? Just what is age and are you going to let it stop you?
Jon Rhodes: Relaxation And Stress Effects of long term stress are not to be taken lightly. Although they cannot always be seen, the effects of stress can lead to serious physical, as well as mental health problems.

Judith Acosta: PRIMUN NON NOCERE: First Do No Harm Primun non nocere. This is still the sacred promise of every medical school graduate across the country as he or she accepts the diploma, the title and the rank of healer in our culture. It is the core of the Hippocratic Oath. However, in a world of unreasonable speed, in which new discoveries and new pharmaceuticals are being produced in measures of seconds, not years, it may be more than doctors can promise us anymore.
Judith Acosta: Words Are Medicine: Raising a Self-Healing Child When you use Verbal First Aid with your children, they are learning by your example to use it for themselves. The healing you facilitate in them by the words you use when they are hurt becomes a self-replenishing well of mental, emotional and physical resources they can draw upon for a lifetime.

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