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For Tag "Spirituality"
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#1 1/29/2016 Quantum View of Medicine (Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan) Medicine needs to be understood in a 'quantum' rather than the 'continuum' way if the observed phenomena in the world of medicine are to be fully accounted for. When a disease understood to be nearly incurable by conventional medicine and is cured by an unexplained alternative medicine, it is usually overlooked or disregarded as an 'exception'. The quantum view of medicine can explain such apparent variations or exceptions.2 2 Comment Count
#2 8/6/2011 Improving the Quality of Health Care from Within (Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan) The quality of health care would eventually depend on how well the roles of the health care professional, health care facilities, medical advances and medical education are synchronized to supplement and support the central nature of faith and the hidden reality of mind-body-spirit medicine.

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