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For Tag "Thermal Temperature"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Bio Neuro feedback > Peripheral Biofeedback: Thermal Temperature)

# Date Link
#1 8/15/2010 Hal Myers president and co-founder of the world's largest biofeedback company (Rob Kall) Hal Myers, as president of THought Technology, is one of the most influential people in the world, when it comes to biofeedback. We explore new projects, technologies, approaches, perspectives and some history.
#2 6/20/2010 Stephen Sideroff, Ph.D. Neurofeedback and Reslience, Addiction, Sports Psychology, Chronic Pain and more (Rob Kall) Neurofeedback, addiction, resilience, Pain, Sports Psychology and more discussed.
#3 2/16/2010 Patricia Norris; Neurofeedback with Substance Abusers, Reaching Alpha with Thermal Biofeedback (Rob Kall) Doctor Patricia Norris is an associate professor at Holos University, past president of the Boifeedback Society of America, Past president of ISSEEM-- International Society for the Study of Energy and Energy Medicine, and one of the biofeedback pioneers of the Menninger foundation's Voluntary Controls project. She talked about transpersonal psychology, with and without biofeedback, treatment of substance abuse with neuro

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