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For Tag "Brain Mapping"
(Top > Science-Nature > Bio-medical Sciences > Neuroscience: Brain Mapping)

Erik Hoffman: Brainmapping Altered States of Consciousness: Futurehealth Plenary, Eric Hoffman
Rae Tattenbaum: My Normal Brain: The Power of Technology and Spirit in renormalizing the Brain Futurehealth Plenary Talk by Rae Tattenbaum A previously undiagnosed case of Lyme disease of the central nervous system revealed a shift from a basically normal brain map to one that was strikingly abnormal. I used many intervention methods in my search for recovery ranging from medical, to neurological, to spiritual. I benchmarked my progress using past maps taken during the healing process and ultimately saw a clear shift from normal, to abnormal, to renormalization. But which of all these techniques made this happen? Which of them helped me regain my cognitive functioning?

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