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For Tag "Meditation Through Neurofeedback"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Bio Neuro feedback > Neurofeedback: Meditation Through Neurofeedback)

Valdeane Brown: Awakening Bodhicitta: A Fundamental Framework For Understanding the Transformative Potential of Neurofeedback Futurehealth WinterBrain 20 minute presentation by Valdeane Brown. Buddhist psychology provides an effective way to truly understand what actually happens during neurofeedback training.
Richard Glade: Discovering and Dissolving Mind Loops in Meditation Practice Futurehealth Workshop by Richard Glade
Phillip Nicholson: Meditation, Slow Wave Sleep, and Ecstatic Seizures Futurehealth Plenary by Phillip Nicholson
Richard Soutar: Teaching Meditation through Neurofeedback Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Richard Soutar.

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