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For Tag "Shaman"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Mystical Esoteric Psi: Shaman)

Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Shaman's Mind, Shaman's Work, Shaman's Dialogue Futurehealth Workshop Lewis Mehl-Medrona In this workshop, we will explore the shamans (indigenous or aboriginal healers) take on mind, consciousness, health, and illness. We will compare this aboriginal way of gaining knowledge with European-derived cultures? insistence upon external expertise that is codified in categories and algorithms of practice. Many Western mindsets would view this story about mind as preposterous, invalid, or even psychotic, yet shamans quietly go about their work in communities where there reputation and livelihood is based upon sufficient success as to be noticed. We will close by discussing what we can learn from shamanic practice to enrich our own practices.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: States of Brain Mind; States of Healing; Speaking the Language of Shamans Futurehealth Winterbrain 1 hour workshop by Lewis Mehl Madrona

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