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What Drives an Acupuncturist?A good philosophy on Health and People!

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Many patients try acupuncture out of desperation, or because of poor results from Western medicine, or because they are tired of the doctor trying one medication after another without knowing what's causing the problem. Patients are tired of being shuffled around from one specialist to another, without any one caring totally about how they feel. Many patients arrive at my door on multiple medications, sicker than when they started because of the side effects of the drugs. Their immune systems are compromised, their liver is toxic and they have lost a quality of life. They easily discuss the anxiety, depression, and frustration derived from trying to get better, without success. I know the powerful results that TCM brings to my patients' health and I can't wait to help them see and feel the benefits.

I love it when an MD refers a pain patient, or one who has had little results from Western medicine. I just hate it when I see patients who have found acupuncture on their own, without any guidance from Western medical doctors. It's just not good enough! And as a society we should work towards being better than this. TCM can heal people faster, without severe side effects caused by Western drugs. It restores quality of life, improves the immune system and puts them back to work faster.

Is it that inconsistency and lack of knowledge between Western Eastern medicines that drives you?

Absolutely! I want to educate my patients on how TCM works for them and what it can do to improve and optimize their health. I want those who have not experienced acupuncture to learn more about it and consider TCM as part of their primary care. I want mothers to learn and know about TCM so that their children and families don't have to suffer. I see many children in my practice with eczema, respiratory, sinus and digestive problems, ADD, and autism. Many women suffer from menstrual irregularities, infertility, headaches, insomnia, depression and much more which can be tremendously helped with TCM. Men are the "providers." "Providers" don't complain or let on about their symptoms! They seem to carry their physical and emotional pains over a longer term. They soon realize that TCM significantly helps reduce the stress in their lives as well as alleviate neck, back, knee, elbow pains and injuries, as well as prostate problems, libido, headaches, digestion issues, and immune system concerns. If TCM can help all ages, and is effective, we should tell the world!

So why is your practice so unique?

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Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD Social Media Pages: Facebook page url on login Profile not filled in       Twitter page url on login Profile not filled in       Linkedin page url on login Profile not filled in       Instagram page url on login Profile not filled in

I am a gentle and caring practitioner of acupuncture and herbal medicine. PhD in Holistic Nutrition. Author of "Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for Women's Health: Bridging the Gap Between Western and Eastern Medicine" Solo practitioner (more...)
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