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Len Ochs
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Len Ochs Neurofeedback as a Catalyst for Maturation in Rehabilitation Neurofeedback as a Catalyst for Maturation in Rehabilitation (SKU: AG-P-226)
Futurehealth Plenary Talk by Len Ochs We are used to thinking of neurofeedback from an interventionist point of view, in which we shape the EEG. Another viewpoint is that once a person is impaired, the individual is unable to proceed by him or herself through the maturation process to regain function. Neurofeedback acts as a releaser mechanism to permit normal maturation of function by blocking the neurochemical defenses that were erected to protect the brain. Instead, however, these neurochemical defenses interfere with normal functioning. It is the brain?s seeking of normalcy that is catalyzed by neurofeedback, for which we are the midwives.
Healing, Intervention, Neurofeedback
Len Ochs The Photonic Stimulator as an Adjunct to Neurofeedback The Photonic Stimulator as an Adjunct to Neurofeedback (SKU: AG-W2-224)
Futurehealth Workshop by Len Ochs
Energy Medicine, Infra Red Light, Neurofeedback Adjuncts
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