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Senia Maymin
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Senia Maymin How Can You Increase Job Productivity and Enjoyment? How Can You Increase Job Productivity and Enjoyment? (SKU: AH-W2-389)
Futurehealth Workshop by Senia Maymin In this workshop, we will go over three factors that can increase your job enjoyment and your colleagues' job enjoyment. We will do exercises in Strengths, Flow, and Optimism. This is a lively, active, hands-on workshop: you will move around the room and have several exercises. Suggestion: To make the Strengths part more personal and active, I suggest you fill out one questionnaire online sometime before the workshop (for example, the night before). Go to and take the 20-40 minute the VIA Signature Strengths Questionnaire.
Optimism, Positive Psychology, Strengths
Senia Maymin Increase Three Factors Critical for Job Productivity and Enjoyment Increase Three Factors Critical for Job Productivity and Enjoyment (SKU: AH-P-390)
Futurehealth Plenary Talk by Senia Maymin Have you ever wondered how to keep employees interested in and engaged in their jobs? Are you yourself sometimes bored or detached from your work? Here we examine three techniques to increase employee engagement - whether you're the employee or the employer.
Best Practices, Positive Psychology, Work
Senia Maymin New Positive Psychology Results for BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION New Positive Psychology Results for BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION (SKU: AH-P-402)
Futurehealth Plenary Talk by Senia Maymin People sometimes find themselves addicted to certain behaviors. And they have the resolve to change, but not the tools to change. Now Positive Psychology highlights some tools to change behaviors. How can you modify behaviors for good? What are some tools and techniques? What tools and techniques will work for you? In what order can you combine the tools of positive psychology towards behavior modification? In this talk, we will discuss self-regulation, the happiness-choice tradeoff, the Ben Franklin method, creating new trigger activities, lessons from goal theory and hope theory, and incremental successes.
Behavior Modification, Change, Habits
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