Now, a website, Siliconera, has dug up a European trademark application for "WiiRelax.", describes the trademark application:
The product's classification in the application contains the typical all-encompassing video game verbage (features such as being able to play the game on a television, control it with a joystick, etc.), but it also reveals some other telling details. It is submitted for classification in the same categories as devices with "pulse-measuring functions", and is further classified alongside "body-fat meters" and "pulsimeters".

Another clue, on youtube, suggests that this sensor will be used by Nintendo to reach the more elusive female gamer market.
The Wii relax will be an addition to the Nintendo family, supplementing the Wii Fit, which is a pressure sensitive balance board.
This is more big news for biofeedback. As Thought Technology VP Lawrence Klein has said, "a rising tide raises all ships." The investment of millions of marketing dollars in promoting a commercial biofeedback video game should translate into increased consumer awareness of the field of biofeedback. That should translate into greater receptivity to professional services delivered by biofeedback providers.