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Thomas Budzynski

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Tom Budzynski is respected as one of the pioneers in the field of biofeedback.

He passed away on February 14, at age 77. He spent his last years as a clinical psychologist in private practice in Poulsbo, Washington. His specialty is neurotherapy or EEG Biofeedback. In his earlier life he was an aerospace engineer working at Area 51 on the Blackbird project.

He was also an Affiliate Professor of Psychology, University of Washington and Licensed Psychologist in the State of Washington

Dr. Budzynski held a BSEE as well as Masters and Ph.D. in Psychology.

Past president of the Biofeedback Research Society (now Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

Recipient of the AAPB Distinguished
Scientist Award and ISNR Career
Achievement Award

Podcast interview with Rob Kall, recorded February 14, 2010

Tom's Facebook page

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