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Howard I. Glazer, Ph.D.

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Howard I. Glazer, Ph.D.
Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry.
Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in Ob/Gyn, Cornell University Medical College.

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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Treatment of Vulvovaginal Pain Disorders with Surface Electromyographic Assisted Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation (1681 views) Vulvodynia is a descriptive, not a diagnostic, term covering a wide range of disorders which have, as one component, pain in the vulvar area. Vulvar pain can arise from many sources. Free form observations of sEMG with or without direct pelvic muscle palpation does not comprise an adequate evaluation. Replicable protocols, applied to the patient over time are necessary to assess progress.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, January 26, 2010
What to Look For in Biofeedback Treatment (1259 views) a checklist of features that will be found in professionally competent biofeedback therapy. Find out if you've really "been there, done that". While this article focuses on treatment of vulvodynia, the questions generally apply to most biofeedback applications

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