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Dr. Clare Albright: Neurofeedback Therapy for PMS and Menopause Can neurofeedback help with the symptoms of PMS and menopause?

Rob Kall: An interview with Joe Kamiya Inventor of Neurofeedback / EEG Biofeedback Rob Kall interviews Joe Kamiya, exploring the history and future of neurofeedback
Patricia Norris: Neurofeedback / EEG Biofeedback Procedures; Basic Descriptions neurofeedback and related procedures used to deal with ADD, Closed Head Injury, Addictions, or for alertness, focus

Rob Kall: Rob Kall Futurehealth Radio Show; Joe Kamiya, Terry Patten, Paul Swingle and Patricia Norris This show brings us extraordinary leaders in the mind/body bio/neurofeedback world.

Michael Cohen: How is brain imaging and cognitive neuroscience impacting neurofeedback? By learning from advances in both cognitive neuroscience and brain imaging about the brain, neurofeedback has learned to better target different areas of the brain. Much more information exists and will continue to help training strategies in the future. Some recent promising research from imaging studies suggests advances in applying neurofeedback for Learning Disabilities and chronic pain, as an example.

Jay Gunkelman: Neurofeedback and the Brain Neurofeedback is an emerging neuroscience-based clinical application, and understanding the underlying principles of neurofeedback allows the therapist to provide referrals or treatment, and provides clients with a framework for understanding the process. The brain's electrical patterns are a form of behavior, modifiable through “operant conditioning,”...
Tom Collura: THE NEURO-RELAXATION PARADIGM Neuronal Regulation is a key concept in neurofeedback. Rather than being a trivial concept related to a simple relaxation state, neurorelaxation means affecting the brain at its most dynamical level, implementing change that is transformational in nature.
Tom Collura: INFORMATION, ENTROPY, AND FREEDOM OF CHOICE The concept of information and entropy is key to understanding how we are able to have the ability to make choices. A brain-oriented view of this leads to helpful insights regarding neurofeedback and its potential for human development.

Kirtley Thornton: A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Different Intervention Models for LD/Special Ed. Students Since the decade of the brain was declared in 1990, there have been impressive advances in the area of neurodiagnostic instrumentation measuring the physical functioning of the brain and providing a deeper understanding of the functioning of the brain.

Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.: Overcoming Obstacles to Neurofeedback Care for Veterans We now know how to recover veterans from all kinds of mental health issues through neurofeedback comprehensively, cost-effectively and quickly—regardless of whether we are talking about traumatic brain injury, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, or other less devastating mental dysfunctions.
Rob Kall: Biofeedback and Locked In Syndrome-- in ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis /Lou Gherig's Disease) links and some discussion on the use of neurofeedback and brain monitoring with ALS Lou Gherig's Disease (Amotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Hershel Toomim: Anxiety, Anger, Depression, TBI and HEG- This study revealed two candidate pathways from cortical receipt of a stimulus to activity of the amygdala. An excitatory pathway was found through the orbito-frontal cortex. Another emotional regulator pathway was found via the right inferior lateral prefrontal cortex.
Dale Patterson: EEG Neurotheraphy In The Treatment Of Alcoholism And Addictions: Brief Overview The Peniston Neurofeedback Protocol is an intervention tested and proven effective with veterans and PTSD at the VA hospital system. This article details the elements of it.

Rob Kall: Review: Open Focus Brain-- a landmark book that explores how we pay attention and how to do it better an important, groundbreaking book that promises to become a classic over the decades. More than any other book, it reminds me of Herbert Benson's RELAXATION RESPONSE. Just as Benson took a simple concept-- relaxation-- and created a landmark book on how to do it... simply, Les Fehmi, with co-author Jim Robbins, has laid out an approach to attention that is remarkable in its simplicity and power to change lives.
Tom Collura: COHERENCE AND BRAIN CONNECTIVITY-THEIR MEANING This article describes the importance and nature of brain connectivity measures, as applied to neurofeedback. Coherence and other variables are important factors in designing and conducting neurofeedback training.
Gary J. Schummer, Ph.D.: Self-Regulation of the Immune System The concept that we can modulate immune response through neurofeedback is a logical extension of currently accepted procedures and protocols.
Nelle Frances: Neurofeedback - Our Story A story highlighting our family's great success with Neurofeedback - it gave us our son back.

Gary Schummer: The Disconnection Syndrome there are many types and subtypes of aphasia, depending on where a problem occurs,

Tom Collura: NEUROFEEDBACK - WHAT TO DO (OR NOT DO) Neurofeedback is a process, not a job. When practitioners and trainees approach EEG training as a process of allowing, not doing, results will be forthcoming.
Bernard: On the sidelines of a travesty Describes efforts to promote EEG neurofeedback as a mainstream treatment option for epilepsy and seizure disorders.
Press Release: 'Top 10 Spa Trends to Watch in 2009' biofeedback, neurofeedback, relaxation, brain gyms, neurobics, mind gyms, brain workouts are all hot.

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