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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Day 8 of the Australian Journey 2012 This is Day 8 of the Australian cross cultural adventure. Today we went to the heart of the community where the elders from the Northern Territories demonstrated some of their ceremonies and procedures to the community. That included the burning ceremony for healing pain, the smoking ceremony for purification, and spear throwing. On the way back to the island, I interviewed a patient advocate from Western Australia.
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Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: When Consciousness Becomes The Basis Of Structure Since the structure-consciousness link can work the other way round, one can postulate that changes in consciousness can produce modifications in the gene structure. 2 2 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Intergenerational and Historical Trauma: Day 4 of the Australia Journey We continue our Australian cross-cultural mental health journey for day 4. Today's topic was intergenerational and historic trauma. In an inter-faith context we talked about the need for the suppressed stories to be told. We talked about epigenetics, which is the way in which the trauma of the ancestors are genetically transmitted across as many as four generations, if not more. We discussed the need to tell these stories. 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Coyotes and Reclaiming Indigenous Knowledge Three of us from Coyote Institute have journeyed to Australia to consult with a local aboriginal group on how to incorporate local culture into their health care and other services. This is the first in a series of daily blogs about the trip. I begin by wondering about coyote as a symbolic muse, an animal who lives at the margin and is currently expanding its territory. We discuss templates for the expression of pain.
Saberi Roy: The Psychology of Family On the need to study family structures and family interactions in the Psychology of Family

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