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For Tag "Alternative"
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#1 3/18/2013 Day 8 of Australia 2013: Bairnsdale (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) On the next to the last day of our Australian cross-cultural journey we visit our friend Wayne, who's now the Koorie Liaison Officer for AdvanceTAFE, an educational concern in Victoria. Our focus for the workshop that Wayne arranged for us was to consider how to better use culture to address problems in the community. The problems were the usual suspects -- drugs, alcohol, violence, gambling. What happens under colonization1 1 Comment Count
#2 1/6/2012 Mind, body, and unexplained symptoms (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I describe a woman with a "mystery illness" who has defied the efforts of conventional physicians to diagnose her. She has also been unsuccessful at gaining help from alternative medical practitioners. I show how inflammation is an integrative process which can affect a variety of organs and can be provoked by stress, including the stress of worrying too much. We we can change the underlying process, we can reduce it.
#3 10/2/2011 The Politics of Prevention (Lynette Louise) In the unique position of being certified in both holistic and mainstream medicine, Lynette sheds light on the frightening possibilites regarding preventing illness. This is a must read for anyone interested in having access to all the answers regarding their families health!2 2 Comment Count
#4 10/2/2011 Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner Discusses National Health Reform: TCM advocates "health" care--not "sick' c (Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD) Improved patient care depends on holistic measures that resolve health problems and improve patient care. Today, chronic diseases- heart and liver disease, arthritis, stress, fatigue and anxiety are common place ailments. They should not be. With the Health Reform Act, more people will have health care, and that is a good thing. But who is advocating the "health" in "healthcare?" TCM does! 7 reasons to use it for you and your1 1 Comment Count
#5 9/4/2011 "Sport Injuries: Effectively Treated with Acupuncture" (Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD) Acupuncture is clinically proven to accelerate the healing of sports injuries. Integrating Western and Eastern treatment makes the most sense and can fully restore chronic and acute injuries in many cases. You often heal quickly, fully, and with improved performance. Acupuncture is commonly used for a wide variety of injuries. Read how it works and what it treats.
#6 2/10/2011 An Alternative to Big Pharm: A Mental Health Journey With Classical Homeopathy (Judith Acosta) The following is a journey through several psychotherapy cases, how they may be seen in a homeopathic framework, and how healing can be enjoyed in a relatively brief period of time.
#7 7/8/2010 Acupuncture Improves Thyroid Function! (Kathie Albertson) Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine is effective in treating thyroid disorders. Read how!
#8 6/19/2010 Developmental Neurodiversity Association (Raymond Andrews) One man's experiences as neurodivergent leading him to get involved in the Neurodiversity Movement by starting a nonprofit to help others like himself.
#9 6/10/2010 The Philosophy of Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine (Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan) Mind-body-spirit medicine allows the unknown to be tackled by the body's built-in mechanisms. Thus the therapeutic potential of mind-body-spirit medicine is unlimited, while the purely biomedical approach confines itself to limits set by the logical mind.1 1 Comment Count
#10 5/23/2010 The Man Who Revolutionizes Psychoanalytical Therapy - interview with Luca Bosurgi (Luca Bosurgi DHyp, LCCH, MBSCH) Luca Bosurgi, a defining voice in the emerging field of mind-spirit therapy, transforms psychoanalysis to spritual evolution. He has developed an original mind coaching technique: The CognitiveOS Hypnosis. For the first time he has agreed to talk about the power of the CognitiveOS Hypnosis and why it's the next step in psychoanalytical therapy. - By Nadien Aurel
#11 5/23/2010 Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner speaks out on National Health Reform: TCM advocates "health" care--not "sick' (Kathie Albertson) Improved patient care depends on holistic measures that resolve health problems and improve patient care. Today, chronic diseases- heart and liver disease, arthritis, stress, fatigue and anxiety are common place ailments. They should not be. With the Health Reform Act, more people will have health care, and that is a good thing. But who is advocating the "health" in "healthcare?" TCM does! 7 reasons to use it for you and your1 1 Comment Count
#12 3/17/2010 Using Neurofeedback for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (Dr. Clare Albright) Did you know that behind disorders such as Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia can be an undiagnosed brain injury? Can neurofeedback therapy make a difference with this hidden problem?

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