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Frank J. Granett A Mother's Auto-antibodies: Indicator for autism and ADHD Link between auto-antibodies in mothers and cases of autism and ADHD in children.
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Frank J. Granett The Price of ADHD Business The Price of ADHD Business focuses on the outdated assessment and treatment process in children for behavioral conditions during the past 40 years. The new business model involves ruling out underlying nutritional, physiological and environmental risk factors prior to premature drug therapy. The symptoms of ADHD are real and can be uncovered as described in Over Medicating Our Youth and The American Epidemic.
Tsara Shelton: Discovering Intention and Teaching to Learn: Sharing a Story I often wonder who I would have become if I never had children. It is through them and my desire to be who I would ask them to be that I have truly insisted on getting to know and like myself. In this story I remember a moment when, challenged by a stranger, I was gifted with an opportunity to discover my own belief. And in this moment I became a better mom, friend, and citizen. 2 2 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Day 12 of the Australian Journey Day 12 of the Australian cross cultural exchange journey consisted in our leading an inipi ceremony (sweat lodge) for people associated with Mission Australia. We also learned much about some very exciting projects being conducted by Mission Australia, including the Michael Project, which is an intensive effort to assist homeless people in Sydney, and the Catalyst-Clemente Project, which provides education for disadvantaged.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Day 1: Australia 2012 This article begins my 2012 Australian journey. I briefly describe my presentation for the day and then go to the meat of what I learned, which is about aboriginal health and disparity statistics in Australia today. Generally, as anyone can imagine, aboriginal people are in terrible shape in Australia -- to my surprise, worse than their counterparts in the USA and Canada. We know the sad state of Indians in the US.
Judith Acosta: Clingy Children: Signals for Verbal First Aid Our ability to deal with fear as children is the foundation for the way we deal with fear as adults--both for ourselves and with our kids. Most of us were not raised with these ideas and some of them may feel awkward or even seem unnecessary, especially if we ourselves were dismissed when we were afraid or hurt.
Saberi Roy: The Psychology of Family On the need to study family structures and family interactions in the Psychology of Family
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: What we can learn from Tucson and why not to overreact! The recent tragedy in Tucson has led some commentators to demand more inpatient beds, easier commitment laws, and forced treatment with medication. I argue that none of this would have stopped Mr. Loughner, since he had not come to anyone's attention yet. We need to refrain from overreacting and further stigmatizing the mentally ill, who are, by and large, not violent, and we need to think about ways to reach out more. 1 1 Comment Count
Judith Acosta: Beyond Biofeedback: How Words Can Help Children Heal Children learn who they are in the world via an organic form of biofeedback. Everything we say and do communicates and that communication is received by them not only cognitively but, perhaps more importantly, physiologically and genetically.
Judith Acosta: The Inevitability of Healing: Verbal First Aidâ„¢ for Recovery from Surgery and Illness What this means is that the images we hold in our minds, the beliefs we store in the deepest part of ourselves impact the way we heal in an immediate and palpable manner, not only on how we feel emotionally, but on how our cells behave, whether they adapt and grow or become inflexible and decay. 1 1 Comment Count
Dr. Clare Albright: Neurofeedback, Dyslexia, and Learning Disabilities Is neurofeedback training helpful for dyslexia and learning disabilities?
Judith Acosta: The Right to Expect? It is, or so we believed, our natural birthright. Birds did it. Bees did it. We did it. Just like that. In fact, most of the women visiting fertility specialists right now were afraid of getting pregnant and, for years, juggled IUD's, diaphragms, condoms, and pills to protect themselves from what they felt would be inevitable if they didn't cover themselves with creams and impermeable membranes.
Carin Yavorcik: U.S. Autism Prevalence Rises to 1 in 110 CDC Report Highlights Increased Prevalence, Continued Delay in Identification as Critical Public Health Crisis affecting American Families
Frances Fox: Is Your Child an Indigo or Crystal Child? Are You? Children today are different, they are more evolved, they are born wise. They receive information from more than one dimension at a time; consequently, their minds cannot stay in one dimension. Because of their inability to focus, too often they are classified as ADHD. The biggest challenge for parents and teachers is how to educate then, how to satisfy their needs and how to keep them happy.
Judith Acosta: Words Are Medicine: Raising a Self-Healing Child When you use Verbal First Aid with your children, they are learning by your example to use it for themselves. The healing you facilitate in them by the words you use when they are hurt becomes a self-replenishing well of mental, emotional and physical resources they can draw upon for a lifetime.
Peter R. Breggin, M.D.: Learn to Help Children Without Psychiatric Drugs There is one week to go before the best conference in the world about psychiatry, mental health, and the well-being of our families and children. Experts from around the world will explain how the psychiatric diagnosing and drugging of our children does more harm than good, and present far better alternatives based on sound psychological, moral, and educational principles.

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