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For Tag "Biofeedback-Neurofeedback"
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#1 10/10/2014 The Hero's Journey and The Biofeedback Neurofeedback Practitioner's and Client's Stories (Rob Kall) Here's a short summary of my take how story and the Hero's Journey plays an integral role in biofeedback:
#2 11/7/2011 A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity To Acquire An Extraordinary Biofeedback Library (Rob Kall) I'm moving toward simpler and smaller. That means getting rid of a lot of what I've accumulated over the years. Over the course of almost 40 years I've built what I believe is one of the largest libraries related to biofeedback and neurofeedback, collecting books, journals, cassette tapes, conference recordings that combine to be a substantial library. It is for sale
#3 3/17/2010 Using Neurofeedback for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (Dr. Clare Albright) Did you know that behind disorders such as Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia can be an undiagnosed brain injury? Can neurofeedback therapy make a difference with this hidden problem?
#4 2/10/2010 Electroencephalography and Sport; Review and Future Directions (Vietta Sue Wilson) The purpose of this paper is to briefly review the psychological traits and states that are believed necessary for performance in competitive sport. This information may help guide areas of brain research that could have a large practical impact upon enhancing performance. The paper will then focus on reviewing studies which used electroencephalography (EEG) to assess brain processing in athletes.
#5 1/19/2010 Neurofeedback / EEG Biofeedback Procedures; Basic Descriptions (Patricia Norris) neurofeedback and related procedures used to deal with ADD, Closed Head Injury, Addictions, or for alertness, focus
#6 1/15/2010 Good "NEWS" For, Biofeedback Neurofeedback and Mind Body Alternative Health and Wellness (Rob Kall) received notification yesterday that google news has approved our application to be included in their news "system." That's great news, obviously for futurehealth, but also for you, if you are in the field of biofeedback or neurofeedback. Here are some reasons why.
#7 1/7/2010 Musing, Speculations on Delta Frequencies in the EEG (Geoff Blundell) Developer/engineer of the Mind Mirror speculates on low frequency EEG
#8 1/7/2010 Adding Biofeedback to your Eating Disorders Practice (Gary Ames) How to incorporate biofeedback as an evidence-based intervention. Neurofeedback study results for eating disorders.
#9 12/20/2009 Clues to Nintendo Biofeedback Plans (Rob Kall) a new sensor, new trademark registrations point to another major biofeedback device on the horizon.
#10 12/9/2009 The Hottest Christmas Present This Year is an EEG-based Game from Mattell (Rob Kall) the Wall Street journal reports that the hot game this holiday season is just about sold out, and it's based on EEG. This should be GOOD for the profession of bio/neurofeedback
#11 12/2/2009 Neurofeedback and Ayahuasca: A More Effective Program for Personal Growth (Lincoln Stoller) Modern neurofeedback therapy is compared with the experience and goals of the traditional ayahuasca ceremony. A program of conducting neurofeedback training in conjunction with the ayahuasca ceremony is described. It's argued that such a combination enhances the goals of each program by providing better preparation and post-training support.
#12 12/1/2009 Your Biofeedback Practitioner's Hero's Journey (Rob Kall) Joseph Campbell described a mythic pattern that any hero, any person going through a process of growth and increased personal awareness experiences. This model works very well for biofeedback practitioners, describing the stages, steps, experiences, problems, opportunities, challenges and rewards you can expect to encounter on your path to becoming a master of the world of biofeedback.
#13 11/10/2009 Biofeedback and Locked In Syndrome-- in ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis /Lou Gherig's Disease) (Rob Kall) links and some discussion on the use of neurofeedback and brain monitoring with ALS Lou Gherig's Disease (Amotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
#14 10/14/2009 Why I Love Biofeedback (Gary Ames) There are plenty of reasons to love biofeedback and neurofeedback. Here are my favorite reasons.
#15 10/8/2009 Pain; Four Biofeedback Approaches (Rob Kall) there are at least four different ways biofeedback can help pain sufferers.
#16 3/24/2009 Neurofeedback Treatment of Pseudoseizure Disorder (Paul Swingle) Background: Previous research has shown that the suppression of theta wave activity and the enhancement of Sensorimotor Rhythm (SMR) through electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback is an effective treatment for epilepsy. The current research reports the results of EEG biofeedback treatment for patients presenting with seizure behaviors in the absence of epileptiform EEG activity.

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