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For Tag "Justice"
(Top > Society-Culture > Character And Values: Justice)

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#1 3/4/2012 Day 12 of the Australian Journey (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Day 12 of the Australian cross cultural exchange journey consisted in our leading an inipi ceremony (sweat lodge) for people associated with Mission Australia. We also learned much about some very exciting projects being conducted by Mission Australia, including the Michael Project, which is an intensive effort to assist homeless people in Sydney, and the Catalyst-Clemente Project, which provides education for disadvantaged.
#2 11/25/2009 Why Brain Science Is Bad for Juvenile Justice (Alexandra Cox) advocates' uses of brain research, and their reliance on 'hard' science, raise some potentially troubling questions about the potential impact of this science on ideas about human potential. ...the brain scan is an inadequate substitute for the more holistic, empirically grounded knowledge we have of young people in the criminal justice system.

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