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For Tag "Children Teens"
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Judith Acosta: Brains, Babies, and Verbal First Aid When we have rapport and learn the basics of Verbal First Aid, we can take our children from crisis to calm, from pain to comfort. Our relationship with them and the words we use can lead them to a healing response not only in the moment but in the fullness of their entire lives.
Judith Acosta: Beyond Biofeedback: How Words Can Help Children Heal Children learn who they are in the world via an organic form of biofeedback. Everything we say and do communicates and that communication is received by them not only cognitively but, perhaps more importantly, physiologically and genetically.
Frances Fox: Is Your Child an Indigo or Crystal Child? Are You? Children today are different, they are more evolved, they are born wise. They receive information from more than one dimension at a time; consequently, their minds cannot stay in one dimension. Because of their inability to focus, too often they are classified as ADHD. The biggest challenge for parents and teachers is how to educate then, how to satisfy their needs and how to keep them happy.

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