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For Tag "Veterans Mental Health"
(Top > Govt-Politics > Military > Veterans: Veterans Mental Health)

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#1 7/2/2010 Army looking at Biofeedback, Yoga, Acupuncture to Treat Pain (Press Release) The task force visited 28 military, Veterans Affairs and civilian medical centers between October and January to observe treatment capabilities and best practices. Army Surgeon General Lt. Gen Eric Schoomaker said his goal is to form a pain-management strategy that is holistic, multidisciplinary and puts Soldiers' quality of life first.2 2 Comment Count
#2 11/11/2009 Overcoming Obstacles to Neurofeedback Care for Veterans (Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.) We now know how to recover veterans from all kinds of mental health issues through neurofeedback comprehensively, cost-effectively and quickly—regardless of whether we are talking about traumatic brain injury, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, or other less devastating mental dysfunctions.

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