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For Tag "Peace"
(Top > Society-Culture > Character And Values: Peace)

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#1 8/24/2010 What is Happiness? (Warren Davies) How would you define happiness? Is it an emotion? A state of mind? A decision? Is it a reaction to things that happen to us, like pain, or is it something we can create
#2 7/26/2010 Why can't the sundance feeling last all year long? (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I reflect on my experience of coming out of sundance, which is always a powerful, personally transformative experience for me and those others with whom I dance. Because of its deep embodiedness, sundance is simultaneously mental, physical, spiritual and communal. This and the prayers brought to sundance and the examples provided by the dancers of transcending our physical limits, explains in part the amazing healings seen.1 1 Comment Count

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