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For Tag "Writing"
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#1 1/18/2015 Talking to Animals; what's the point? (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) We reflect on the winter buffalo hunt ceremonies of the Northern Plains and the ways in which humans communicated with animals, negotiating with them to cooperate in being hunted. This leads us to modern day attempts to communicate with animals, including studies from Northern Arizona University that decode the meaning of prairie dog chirps and efforts to talk to the great apes. We ask what is the point? What do learn?2 2 Comment Count
#2 3/9/2013 Day 1 of Australia 2013: The Autobiographical Narrative (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Each year we make a cross-cultural tour to Australia, though one of our Coyote colleagues comes twice a year to make an impact on incorporating culture in health care for aboriginal people. This year we began with a lecture in a writing conference on the topic of the autobiography in which I describe my experience of writing Coyote Medicine. I finish with a description of what has been accomplished in five years of coming.1 1 Comment Count
#3 2/23/2012 Medical Writing: the Healing Power of Narrative (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) This article represents the start of my annual trek to Australia to work with an aboriginal cooperative in Southeastern Australia. The goal is to help them to incorporate their culture into their health care and other human services through cultural exchange with aboriginal North Americans, aboriginal people from the North of Australia where culture is less disrupted, and others from the area. More to come of my 2 weeks!

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